Pipedrive Archives - The Prairie Group Pipedrive CRM Experts for Training & Consulting Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:29:05 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.3 https://www.theprairiegroup.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ThePrairieGroupLogo_S-100x100.png Pipedrive Archives - The Prairie Group 32 32 Pipedrive CRM Training 101: The Ultimate Resource https://www.theprairiegroup.net/pipedrive-crm_training-101/ https://www.theprairiegroup.net/pipedrive-crm_training-101/#respond Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:26:16 +0000 http://www.theprairiegroup.net/?p=2557 Pipedrive is a deal-driven customer relationship management (CRM) solution that functions as an account management tool and may help with marketing and the sales process. Our Pipedrive CRM Training will help you to take a proactive approach to organizing your records, sales activity calls, and emails instantly and synchronizes calendars across devices. Pipedrive’s ability to […]

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Pipedrive is a deal-driven customer relationship management (CRM) solution that functions as an account management tool and may help with marketing and the sales process. Our Pipedrive CRM Training will help you to take a proactive approach to organizing your records, sales activity calls, and emails instantly and synchronizes calendars across devices.

Pipedrive’s ability to see the sales process from beginning to end may particularly appeal to most small to mid-sized enterprises (SMBs). This may enhance productivity while also eliminating internal second-guessing, which is one of the most common reasons CRM projects fail.

In this article, we will be breaking down all the steps in using Pipedrive and a number of its features showing why using it is a must. Let’s begin! We will also give you the option to try it for free for thirty days.


4-Step Guide to Using our Pipedrive CRM-Training

1.   Set up your pipeline stages

Your sales pipeline is a diagram of your sales process. It is entirely adaptable to your working style. Choose a template or name the stages after the actions you take to complete sales. You are already starting to develop a pipeline when you get those initial thoughts about individuals and businesses who could necessitate what you sell.

You most likely have many prospects in mind. Some of them will be resolved and closed, while others will not. However, your pipeline will be formed by these interactions and how they develop. You create a pipeline by developing a series of steps that go from an initial concept to a completed transaction – these are the stages of your sales.

It is also crucial to note that the phases of your sales must correspond to your prospects’ or customers’ buying stages. Everyone’s purchase cycle is different, but believe that knowing your clients and how they prefer to shop helps.

2.   Focus on sales actions

You must keep transactions on track and be aware of the sales actions you must perform after you have your pipeline phases written out. What are the characteristics or circumstances that will assist you in advancing your transaction from stage to stage as you move through? It may be sending a written proposal, identifying stakeholders, or budget approval. Each step has an event that drives the project forward.

Remind yourself that instead of focusing on the finish line, which is the sale, you must concentrate on the steps that lead to it. Any activity that pushes your deals closer to completion is referred to as a sales activity. A phone conversation, lunch, meeting, email, or anything in between can be used. Make a to-do list and let Pipedrive remind you when it’s time to accomplish it.

You can manage the actions, but not the outcomes, to keep the pipeline running. Setting goals for yourself, such as how many proposals you send and new prospect contacts you make every day, is the greatest way to ensure that your deal flow does not slow down.

3.   Track progress towards goals

After you have established your baseline, maintaining track of your progress will help you gauge your progress. It also aids those who track in recognizing when they have reached a halt in their development. This is beneficial since it allows you to adjust your route. You have a good idea of what went wrong and why.

Pipedrive training acts as a coach, monitoring your performance as you complete activities and move transactions ahead. It estimates your average conversion rate so you can figure out how many fresh leads you need and what actions you need to accomplish to reach your goals. Real-time reports let you know if you are on track, giving you enough time to correct your path if necessary.

4.   Optimize and grow

Companies today already have access to a plethora of information. Data is perhaps the most valuable resource a company can have. You may use data to promote good change and assist the success of your company. Every business decision should be based on factual information. Pipedrive’s data analytics can offer you vital insights that can help you make the best decisions for your business and customers.

Moreover, while decision-makers and experience are essential, business-related judgments should be based on evidence. It is impossible to make smart judgments regarding inventory management, pricing tactics, and other business considerations without data. Even when it comes to hiring new employees, actionable data may assist you in determining how many to hire and how to deploy them effectively.

Pipedrive’s simple analytics streamline your sales process. It is no longer necessary to close your eyes and hope for the best. Automations take care of administrative duties, while integrations with your favorite tools help you save time. All that’s left now is to fine-tune your winning strategy and set even loftier objectives.

Pipedrive CRM Training Features

1.   Communication tracking

Create an infinite number of contacts and organizations, and view complete contact activity timelines. Manage sales discussions from your chosen mailbox, with emails linked to offers and contacts automatically. Make sales calls directly from your web browser for easy call monitoring, recording, and analysis.

2.   Leads and deals management

Create a visual representation of sales with infinite, customized pipelines and begin sliding deals to win. To keep your pipeline clean and focused on transactions, gather all of your leads in one place. To prioritize your greatest catch, follow up and qualify new leads from a single location. With easy and completely configurable online forms, you can generate high-quality leads for your pipeline.

3.   Automation

Automate recurring administrative activities to eliminate busy work and learn from artificial intelligence. So you do not have to worry about what to do next, your AI-powered sales mentor enhances your performance with tailored recommendations. Find important information about connections that can help you close business quickly.


Pipedrive is one of the most user-friendly CRM platforms today. You will be able to expeditiously get started, and the user interface is basic enough that you will spend less time fiddling with it and more time focusing on your next sale.

You will be pleased with the outcomes if you follow this ultimate Pipedrive CRM Training guide. In summation, set up your phases and concentrate on your sales actions rather than the final objective. Then, keep track of your progress toward your goals. As you advance, use the data and analytics you have gathered to optimize and grow. There is no time to waste! Try Pipedrive, free of charge for 30 days.

Learn more about our instructor led classes


The post Pipedrive CRM Training 101: The Ultimate Resource appeared first on The Prairie Group.

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CRM Rating’s https://www.theprairiegroup.net/crm-ratings/ Wed, 08 Apr 2020 21:58:55 +0000 http://www.theprairiegroup.net/?p=2376 Pipedrive Outranked Nearly 700 Competitors in the CRM Space to Win Top Award by The Blueprint, a Motley Fool company by: Craig Borowski Pipedrive, the first CRM platform developed from the salesperson’s point of view, today announced that it has been named the “Easiest to Use” CRM solution by The Blueprint, a Motley Fool company that […]

The post CRM Rating’s appeared first on The Prairie Group.


Pipedrive Outranked Nearly 700 Competitors in the CRM Space to Win Top Award by The Blueprint, a Motley Fool company by: Craig Borowski

Pipedrive, the first CRM platform developed from the salesperson’s point of view, today announced that it has been named the “Easiest to Use” CRM solution by The Blueprint, a Motley Fool company that helps business professionals make better decisions by offering unbiased, objective, and trustworthy technology advice and reviews.

The Blueprint cites Pipedrive’s seamless user experience, breadth of tools, and pricing structure in its decision to designate the company with the award. The review states, “Pipedrive is economically priced, ridiculously easy to use, and is made by sales experts, for sales experts. Just about any small business owner who generates leads, closes deals, or sells services could make wise utilization of Pipedrive. If your website generates leads or sells products, then Pipedrive offers a generous collection of smart marketing and CRM tools that are reasonably priced.”

Craig Borowski, Managing Editor of The Blueprint, said that out of a handful of different awards they give to the most highly rated software solutions, the ‘Easiest to Use’ award is in many ways the most significant. “Ease of use is routinely cited by small- and mid-sized businesses as the number one factor they look for when comparing and deciding on software purchases. Following in at a close second is overall cost. With a robust free trial option, multiple generously priced subscription tiers and a streamlined and intuitive UI, Pipedrive combines both in one very attractive, polished package.”

Said Timo Rein, CEO of Pipedrive, “We are humbled by being acknowledged as the ‘Easiest to Use’ CRM solution. We always seek to improve in providing a solution to salespeople that is useful and simple at the same time.  A key to assuring that is always listening to customers.  Our goal is to help people be inevitably successful in sales as we aim to help companies through thick and thin, and withstand any dynamic in the economic environment.”

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The Blueprint evaluated nearly 700 CRM solutions for the award. They narrowed that down first by selecting only those that contain the right mix of CRM applications, then focusing on CRM solutions that really make sense for SMBs. Next, solutions were filtered by budget-friendly pricing structures, giving preference to those that also offer fully functional free trial options. Finally, the shortlist was presented to reviewer Tom Rayner, who has 15 years of firsthand experience using and recommending CRM tools and applications.

The post CRM Rating’s appeared first on The Prairie Group.
